015 – The Problems with Canada – Ep. 3: The Westminster System – A Flawed Foundation for Canada

In this episode, we delve into the very bedrock of Canada’s political framework—the Westminster system. Originally designed for a unitary British state, this model was imposed upon Canada, a nation requiring decentralized governance to accommodate its vast and diverse landscape. We explore how this system centralizes power in Ottawa, marginalizing provincial autonomy and citizen representation. Through historical events such as Pierre Trudeau’s invocation of the War Measures Act in 1970 and the 2025 prorogation of Parliament under Justin Trudeau, we illustrate the near-absolute authority vested in the Prime Minister’s Office. Additionally, we examine the role of the unelected Governor General, whose powers to dissolve Parliament and dismiss elected officials underscore the lingering influence of colonial structures. This episode challenges the notion of Canada as a true federation, questioning whether its provinces can genuinely control their own destinies under a system that functions more like a colonial state than a federation. Narrated by: Graham Dunlop Written by: Darren Grimes Sources: Statute of Westminster, 1931 United Kingdom Parliament. “Statute of Westminster 1931.” Accessed from Legislation.gov.uk. LEGISLATION.GOV.UK Statute of Westminster, 1931 The Canadian Encyclopedia. “Statute of Westminster, 1931.” Accessed from The Canadian Encyclopedia website. THECANADIANENCYCLOPEDIA.CA Role and Responsibilities of the Governor General of Canada Office of the Secretary to the Governor General. “Role and Responsibilities.” Accessed from the official Governor General of Canada website. GG.CA Constitutional Duties of the Governor General Office of the Secretary to the Governor General. “Constitutional Duties.” Accessed from the official Governor General of Canada website. GG.CA Governor General of Canada The Canadian Encyclopedia. “Governor General of Canada.” Accessed from The Canadian Encyclopedia website. THECANADIANENCYCLOPEDIA.CA Governor General of Canada Wikipedia contributors. “Governor General of Canada.” Accessed from Wikipedia. EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG

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